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Starting from where left off in the previous post, we can now go ahead and analyze the dumped executable. First of all, we have a look at what PEStudio has to tell us about it. Seems like another C++ executable. kernel32.dll is loaded and several functions are imported from it.

We can now quickly have a look at the binary on Ghidra before we execute it in a debugger. We can immediately identify the address of the main() function. Once again this is going to be useful once we start debugging.

The first thing the sample does is to get the executable file name, with a call to GetModuleFileNameA and a strtok loop.

At this point, the encoding routine is called. This routine is used to load kernel32.dll procedures dynamically. First of all, the function is called and an initialization step is performed. The initialization stores some data at a memory address. This can be replicated with the following Python script, where the output variable represents the memory region the initialization writes to.

output = []
var2 = 0
var3 = 0
cnt  = 0
while cnt < 256:
  var3 = cnt >> 1 ^ 0xedb88320
  if (cnt & 1) == 0:
    var3 = cnt >> 1
  var2 = var3 >> 1 ^ 0xedb88320
  if (var3 & 1) == 0:
    var2 = var3 >> 1
  var3 = var2 >> 1 ^ 0xedb88320
  if (var2 & 1) == 0:
    var3 = var2 >> 1
  var2 = var3 >> 1 ^ 0xedb88320
  if (var3 & 1) == 0:
    var2 = var3 >> 1
  var3 = var2 >> 1 ^ 0xedb88320
  if (var2 & 1) == 0:
    var3 = var2 >> 1
  var2 = var3 >> 1 ^ 0xedb88320
  if (var3 & 1) == 0:
    var2 = var3 >> 1
  var3 = var2 >> 1 ^ 0xedb88320
  if (var2 & 1) == 0:
    var3 = var2 >> 1
  var2 = var3 >> 1 ^ 0xedb88320
  if (var3 & 1) == 0:
    var2 = var3 >> 1
  cnt = cnt + 1

Once the initialization is complete, a flag is set so that the function will execute the next step when called again.

After that, a function is called which purpose is to load a specific routine. The function first loads kernel32.dll, then iterates over all the procedure names exported by the DLL, and passes them as an argument to the encoding routine.

Then, the encoding routine generates a DWORD using the previously initialized memory and the procedure name as an input. The encoding can be reproduced by the following script, where output is the initialized memory, and string is the procedure name.

string = "the_procedure_name"
result = 0xffffffff
for x in string:
  result = result >> 8 ^ output[result & 0x000000ff ^ ord(x)]

result = result ^ 0xffffffff # Needed because Python NOT works with signed integers

The DWORD returned by the encoding routine is then checked against a hardcoded set of values. If the result matches with one of the values execution jump to a call to GetProcAddress, and the procedure is loaded.

Instead of decoding the hardcoded strings to check what routines will be loaded, we just set a breakpoint on GetProcAddress, and by letting the sample run we realize that IsDebuggerPresent is loaded. We then set a breakpoint on it in case we miss a call to it while stepping through execution. That’s not necessarily needed, however, since the function is called immediately after we return. IsDebuggerPresent is easily bypassed by setting EAX to 0 after the function execution.

We then step into another function, and immediately we see three calls to the routine responsible for decoding and loading. At this point, we know how the routine works so we just step over it and check the return result to see which procedures are being loaded. It seems the sample loads CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32FirstW, and Process32NextW.

This could be another anti-debugging technique, so we need to be careful. Execution goes as expected, CreateToolhelp32Snapshot is called, then Process32FirstW returns a pointer to the first process, and then a loop starts with Process32NextW advancing it. The loop is basically a re-implementation of the encoding routine. The memory is initialized when the first process is analyzed (the first process being system). Every other process name is then encoded as previously shown, and checked against some hardcoded values. This is what the check looks like in x32dbg.

So basically, if any of the process names encodes to one of those strings execution jumps out of the loops and terminates. We could try to figure out which processes would cause this behaviour (x32dbg.exe does), however, it’s faster to just change the je instruction responsible for leading to termination, and just make it jump to the next instruction (001B11C6). This way the program will continue no matter which process name is encountered. At this point, we execute until return, and sure enough, we get back in the main function. The sample is still running, and we are successful!

Immediately after, a function is called that loads CreateProcessA, WriteProcessMemory, ResumeThread, VirtualAllocEx, VirtualAlloc, CreateRemoteThread.

The following snippet then decodes the string C"\Windows\System32\svchost.exe, which is passed to CreateProcessA.

001B1D00 | 8A540D D0                | mov dl,byte ptr ss:[ebp+ecx-30]                                      |
001B1D04 | C0C2 04                  | rol dl,4                                                             |
001B1D07 | 80F2 A2                  | xor dl,A2                                                            |
001B1D0A | 88540D D0                | mov byte ptr ss:[ebp+ecx-30],dl                                      |
001B1D0E | 41                       | inc ecx                                                              |
001B1D0F | 3BC8                     | cmp ecx,eax                                                          |
001B1D11 | 7C ED                    | jl first_dump.1B1D00                                                 |

The sample then gets a handle to itself, allocates a region of memory in its own process, and copies itself into it. In the image, you can see that the memory region at 00020000, which is where VirtualAlloc allocated memory, is the same size (18000) as all the sections and headers of the current executable, which in this case is called “first_dump.exe”.

The same size is then allocated with VirtualAllocEx on the recently spawned svchost.exe, and then WriteProcessMemory writes the copy of the executable in the new process, at location 00120000. Finally, a new thread is created to run from address 00121DC0 in the new executable. At this point, knowing that the sample copied itself in the new process, we could just compute the right offset and analyze the current executable at the location where we know the target will start at. So, knowing that the binary was copied at address 00120000 and starts at 00121DC0, we can go to address 001B000 (current image base address) + 00001DC0 (offset the copied executable will start from) = 001B1DC0, and analyze the content.

This looks like it could be shellcode, in any case, it will be much easier to analyze it if we can single-step through it. So we go ahead and open a second debugger instance on the new svchost.exe process, check the existing threads, and set a breakpoint on 00121DC0, since we know that’s where execution will start from. Then, on the other instance, we set a breakpoint on NtResumeThread, run until we hit it and execute the function until return. On the new debugger instance, we then run the sample until we hit the breakpoint we set on the entrypoint.

We are now ready to analyze the third stage, which will be covered in the next post.