Giacomo's Blog

A blog to collect the results, lessons learnt, and general thoughts about my projects and experiments

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Panda is a programming language created with Windows shellcode in mind. The compiler builds a completely position-independent assembly which is then assembled with Keystone engine. Lark is used for parsing the EBFN grammar and creating the AST.
The language is strongly typed, but type checking is quite relaxed and allows for a high degree of flexibility needed for shellcode development. The syntax is in general similar to C and Go. The idea for the language was inspired by the OSED course I recently took.
I wanted to develop a way to write custom shellcode that would not require the user to write Assembly directly and bother with shellcode specific programming techniques.


You can find the specifications for the language here, and the standard library documentation here.


Every Panda compiled program must contain exactly one main function, which is the entrypoint for the custom code.
Windows API functions can be declared with the declare command, and other Panda source code files can be imported with the import statement.
The script acts as the compiler user interface.
The script takes a mandatory --source parameter which should point to the Panda source code file to compile.
Moreover, at least one of the following flags must be set as well:

There are also debugging flags available, --debug_tree prints the parsed grammar as a tree, and --debug_asm prints the generated assembly.

State of development

Panda currently only supports X86 architecture, 32 bits. At the time being the language is mostly functional and comes with a growing standard library, also written in Panda so that it can be shared across architectures.
The compilation is still somewhat fragile. If some combination of commands doesn’t work, a more explicit version just might.

Upcoming features

In no particular order, these are the features I am planning on adding to the language: