Panda is a semi-colon terminated language. The usage is similar to C, and semi-colons are required where C would also require them. White spaces are generally ignored unless used within a quoted string.
Data types
Panda uses only 4 data types.
Represents a pointer-sized value. This can be used to hold actual integers, poiners, handles, … Any numerical value, really.
Example: int variable = 4;
Represent an ASCII string, each character is byte-sized. It is created as a stack string by pushing the content in reverse to the stack. NULL-terminated.
Example: string variable = "Hello World";
array int
A constant-sized array of int
values. It is also created by pushing the content to the stack in reverse. The array can be created both with initialized and uninitialized values.
Example: array variable = int{1, 2, 3, 4};
or array variable int[4];
array byte
A constant-sized array of byte values. Similar to strings, but allows using non-printable characters. This can also be used to create C-style structs. The array can be created both with initialized and uninitialized values.
Example: array variable = byte{1, 2, 3, 4};
or array variable byte[4];
The data types available give direct control over pointer-sized and byte values. In order to modify WORD values (and DWORD values in 64 bits) specific rotation and shifting operators are provided. string
and array
types can be indexed into with the usual [index]
A variable must always be declared before use. Variables can be declared at any point during a specific function logic but regardless of where it is declared space will be allocated for it on the stack.
Declaration happens similarly to C, by simply stating the type of the variable in front of it upon the first usage.
For array types, only the keyword array
has to be specified. The arrays can be then created by specifying a size in square brackets or by specifying the actual elements in the array in curly brackets. Either way, the keyword int
or byte
must be prepended to the bracket to specify the array type.
It is also possible to cast a variable to a different type when required. This doesn’t add any code, it only informs the compiler that the variable should be used as a different type one. This can be done with an assignment to a new type.
int a = 5;
string b = "Hello World";
array c int[5];
array d = int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
array e byte[5];
array f = byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
f = int;
Arithmetic and logic operators
The plus sign always performs an addition. The right-hand operand must always be a variable of type int
or a constant numeric value. The operator can be used to add integers together or to add values to a pointer for indexing into an array.
The minus sign always performs a subtraction. The right-hand operand must always be a variable of type int
or a constant numeric value. The operator can be used to subtract an integer from another one or to subtract values to a pointer for indexing into an array.
The star sign performs a multiplication between two numerical values.
The forward slash sign performs a division between two numerical values.
The double ampersand sign performs a bitwise AND between to numerical values.
The double vertical bar represents a bitwise OR between two numerical values.
The caret sign performs a bitwise XOR between two values.
The exclamation mark sign, prepended to a value, performs a bitwise negation.
int a = 5;
int b = 4;
int c;
c = a + b;
c = a - b;
c = a * b;
c = a / b;
c = a && b;
c = a || b;
c = a ^ b;
c = !a;
Memory access operators
The star sign, prepended to a value, returns the variable-sized value contained at the given address. It can also be used to write a value to a particular memory location.
string a = "Hello World";
int b = *(a + 2);
Writes a zero-padded byte value, corresponding with the ASCII number for “l” into b. An array of bytes behaves similarly.
array a = int{1, 2, 3, 4};
int b = *(a + 2);
Writes a full pointer-sized value to b, in this case, the number 3.
string a = "Hello World";
string b = "Beautiful day";
a[3] = b[0];
Writes a single byte into the string, in this case, it changes the “l” character with the “B” one from string b. Note that a[3]
is equivalent to *(a+3)
The single ampersand operator is used to get the address of a variable.
Note that for arrays and strings that already are pointers, the operator returns the location of the pointer to the string or array. So it becomes a pointer to a pointer.
Bit shifting operators
The operator performs a right bit rotation of a specified number of steps. It assumes a pointer-sized operand size.
Similar to ror
, but assumes a WORD sized operand size. This can be useful to modify WORD values within a 32 or 64 bit variable.
The operator performs a left bit rotation of a specified number of steps. It assumes a pointer-sized operand size.
Similar to rol
, but assumes a WORD sized operand size. This can be useful to modify WORD values within a 32 or 64 bit variable.
Performs a right bit shift of a specified number of steps. Values are 0 padded and overflowing bits are discarded.
Performs a left bit shift of a specified number of steps. Values are 0 padded and overflowing bits are discarded.
int a = 5;
int b = 8;
int c;
c = a ror b;
c = a ror16 b;
c = a rol b;
c = a rol16 b;
c = a shr b;
c = a shl b;
Comparision operators
Comparision operators are >
, >=
, <
, <=
, ==
, !=
and their usege is similar to other languages.
Note that Panda does not have a concept of Boolean value, so statements like int c = a < b;
are not valid and will produce unexpected results. Comparison operators are to be used with if
and while
statements only.
Control flow
Functions are defined with the fn
keyword and given a type. The function definition is otherwise similar to C with parameters in parenthesis in the “type name” format, and code enclosed in curly brackets. For example:
int fn ThisIsAFunc(string str, int num) {
Functions return with the return
value, which must always return a value.
Note that, despite functions having a type, that currently means nothing since the value returned is always a pointer-sized value regardless.
Each program should have exactly one main
function defined to start execution from.
Similar to if-statements in other languages and follow the C syntax.
if(condition) {
} else {
Else-if statements are currently not implemented so a nested if-statement is required to achieve the same result.
Currently, only while loops are implemented, and once again they mostly follow C syntax and behaviour.
while(condition) {
No for-loops are present in Panda at the moment.
Importing external code
Imports are defined with the import
statement and should be placed at the beginning of the code, outside any function definition. The import is then specified with a “.” joined path to the Panda source code file from which functions must be imported. So for example
import libraries.utils.strings
would import all the functions defined under \libraries\utils\strings.pnd
. Note that the extension should be omitted.
While all functions are imported, only the ones that are used end up in the final shellcode.
No main
function must be defined in these libraries.
Windows API functions
Windows API functions can be imported with the declare
statement, which accepts the function name and the DLL it is contained in as parameters. For example
declare("MessageBoxA", "user32.dll");
statements must be placed at the top of the source file, before anything else, including imports.
Once a function is declared, it will then become available just as if it was any other function. So in the previous example, it would be possible to call the function simply as
string a = "Text";
string b = "Caption";
MessageBoxA(0, a, b, 0);
Once any declare is added, two functions will be resolved automatically and will be available without a specific declaring. LoadLibraryA
will be resolved so that the compiler can automatically load modules that contain new function declarations. TerminateProcess
will also be resolved.