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As anticipated in the previous post, I am now going to solve the bonus challenge of SecureSoftware1.5. After completing the main crackme by only using static analysis, I am now going to walk through how to defeat anti-debugging and anti-patching measures present in the software.

The first thing we need to do is to figure out how anti-patching works and how it is implemented. If we can defeat that then we can just go ahead and NOP all anti-debugging blocks as well.

One of the few functions we did not touch upon in the previous post, is the one located at FUN_004021c9. We see it being called several times, with pointers to functions passed as parameters. Because of this unusual trait, we can reasonably suspect this function could be responsible for anti-patching. If we explore the function we see it is split into two main functionalities, based on the pointer that is passed as a parameter. If a NULL pointer is passed, we see the function simply checks the checksum file to see if it matches authdata. Nothing about anti-patching here.

if (functionPnt == (byte *)0x0) {
                /* Compute checksum and check it */
readfile = fopen(".\\data\\authdata.dat","rb");
if (readfile == (FILE *)0x0) {
                /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
checksumCompute = 0;
checksum = 0;
byte_i = 0;
while (byte_i < 0xdc) {
    checksumCompute = checksumCompute + (uint)authdata[byte_i];
    byte_i = byte_i + 1;
readfile = fopen(".\\data\\checksum","rb");
if (readfile != (FILE *)0x0) {
if (checksumCompute != checksum) {

The other functionality is the one we are interested in, and it is called when a non NULL pointer is passed.

else {
DAT_00407040 = DAT_00407040 + 1;
local_18 = 0;
local_1c = 0;
local_20 = 0;
while (local_20 < 7) {
    if (*param_1 == 0x90) {
    local_20 = local_20 + 1;
    else {
    local_20 = 0;
    local_1c = local_1c + (uint)*param_1;
    param_1 = param_1 + 1;
while ((&DAT_00404028)[local_18] != -1) {
    if (local_1c == (&DAT_00404028)[local_18]) {
    (&DAT_00404028)[local_18] = 0;
    local_18 = local_18 + 1;
if (((DAT_00404028 == 0) && (DAT_0040402c == 0)) && (DAT_00404030 == 0)) {
    DAT_00404040 = 0;
if ((DAT_00404034 == 0) && (DAT_00404038 == 0)) {
    DAT_00404044 = 0;

This bit of code does all the patch checking for this crackme. First of all, we see a global being incremented, DAT_00407040. We see that this global is used as guard, with condition DAT_00407040 == 5 to the condition that eventually reverses the user-provided key. This is needed for the algorithm to match string up later so we can assume that this function is meant to run five times with function pointers as parameters. If we check the function XREFS, we see that this is indeed the case. One of the calls (00401c2f), is called with a NULL pointer as a parameter.

*                          FUNCTION                          *
undefined __cdecl FUN_004021c9(byte * param_1)
FUN_004021c9                                    XREF[6]:     FUN_004015c0:0040167d(c), 
                                                            00401be1(c), 00401bed(c), 

Moving on, we see a while loop that iterates over bytes starting from the received parameter and continues until it meets seven NOPs in a row. Checking some functions in the program confirms that seven consecutive NOPs indicate the end of a function. The loops stores the summation of all the byte it iterates over in a variable which is then compared to a global, DAT_00404028, and sets it to 0 if it matches it. Knowing that this part of the function will be executed five times, seeing that DAT_00404028 is indexed and contiguous globals are used in the if statements at the end, we can safely retype DAT_00404028 to int[5]. Moreover, if we inspect the content of the array, we see hardcoded values that could be functions “checksums”. Knowing this, and seeing how the global is used, we assume it contains the hardcoded value of the byte summation for the functions being checked.

                        functionsChecksums_00404028[1]                  XREF[4,4]:   antiPatch:0040232e(R), 
                        functionsChecksums_00404028[2]                               antiPatch:0040233d(W), 
                        functionsChecksums_00404028[3]                               antiPatch:0040234f(R), 
                        functionsChecksums_00404028[4]                               antiPatch:0040235b(R), 
                        functionsChecksums_00404028                                  antiPatch:00402364(R), 
00404028 d9 89 00        int[5]
            00 2c 30 
            00 00 35 
    00404028 [0]                   89D9h,        302Ch,       11B35h,        D21Bh
    00404038 [4]                   E5B5h

Two more globals, DAT_00404040 and DAT_00404044 are set to 0 if all elements in DAT_00404028 equal 0. Elements in DAT_00404028 when a computed checksum meets the expected value, so we can infer that DAT_00404040 and DAT_00404044 will be both set to 0 after the function has executed five times successfully, one for each function.

We see these two variables being used a bit everywhere in the program, and finding all usages would be tedious. Since the anti-patching function sets guards used elsewhere we cannot just patch it out. We can, however, make sure that all the guards will be set right no matter how many times the function completes successfully. This means that DAT_00407040 must be set to 5 immediately, and DAT_00404040 and DAT_00404044 must be set to 0 regardless of the content of DAT_00404028. We do the patching accordingly and we are left with the following code.

else {
DAT_00407040 = DAT_00407040 + 5;
local_18 = 0;
local_1c = 0;
local_20 = 0;
while (local_20 < 7) {
    if (*param_1 == 0x90) {
    local_20 = local_20 + 1;
    else {
    local_20 = 0;
    local_1c = local_1c + (uint)*param_1;
    param_1 = param_1 + 1;
while ((&DAT_00404028)[local_18] != -1) {
    if (local_1c == (&DAT_00404028)[local_18]) {
    (&DAT_00404028)[local_18] = 0;
    local_18 = local_18 + 1;
DAT_00404040 = 0;
DAT_00404044 = 0;
local_28 = DAT_00404028;

Running this modified version of the program allows us to set up the environment, but fails when checking the key validity (without flags) and presents us with the “Illegal copy” error message. This is unfortunate, but it tells us that that execution runs all the way to the function that checks authdata, which eventually fails. From the previous post, we know that the only patching-related check around the key validation routine is the following if statement, where patchFunCnt is the global that’s incremented in the anti-patching function, and isPatched1 is DAT_00404040.

if ((strcmpResult_0040703a == 1) && (isPatched1 == 0)) {
    if (patchFunCnt == 5) {
    keyLength = strlen(key);
    cntUsername = 0;
    // Continues on with the username and hostname modification

We could go and look where these variables are set other than the ant-patching function we modified, but it is simpler to just remove the if statement and let the following block of code execute no matter what. When we do that, the executable successfully runs until completion as you can see (hash computation in the background to prove the executable was patched).

From here on out, it is all about finding anti-debugging and patching it out.

First of all, we see a pretty obvious call in WinMain to IsDebuggerPresent. Upon non-zero result, it sets a global flag to 1. We need it to be = 2 for our program to work so we just change

BVar1 = IsDebuggerPresent();
if (BVar1 != 0) {
    noDebuggerPresent_00404024 = 1;


BVar1 = IsDebuggerPresent();
if (BVar1 != 0) {
    noDebuggerPresent_00404024 = 2;

and we move on. This will also work outside of a debugger, since noDebuggerPresent_00404024 (DAT_00404024) is actually initialized to 2 anyway.

In the previous post, I went over a time base anti-debugging measure that was called in WinMain, in the initialization function, and in the authdata validation routine. Here’s the code

void UndefinedFunction_0040239f(int param_1)

  DWORD DVar1;
  if (param_1 == 1) {
    DVar1 = GetTickCount();
  else {
    DVar1 = GetTickCount();
    if ((int3)(DAT_00407614 >> 8) != (int3)(DVar1 >> 8)) {
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  DAT_00407614 = DVar1;

Briefly, this is first called from WinMain right away with param_1 set to 1. This store the output of GetTickCount to DAT_00407614. The function is then called again in the initialization routine or the authdata validation routine, depending on the flag, with param_1 set to 0. The function then calls GetTickCount again and compares the 8-bit shifted results with the 8-bit shifted DAT_00407614. The idea here is that if the program wasn’t running in a debugger, the output of the two calls should be small enough to fit in a single byte, and therefore they should both be 0 after >> 8. If an analyst takes his time running instructions one by one, the second call to GetTickCount will return a number large enough to occupy more than a single byte. These are all thread calls and just exit the program if they detect a debugger rather than setting a flag to be checked later. We can just NOP out all the calls to createthread that point to this function.

Once we are done with the extra bit of patching, we are then ready to run the program in a debugger and, as you can see, we get it working.